Video Apps
App Description App Description App Description


Category - Photo and Video

Add video (shoot diectly onto time line), photos, music and sound effects. Use a precision editor. Choose from 12 trailers, customize logos, choose from 8 themes and create custom pan-and-zoom effects.

Rating - 3 out of 5 stars

Cost - $4.99

Video Editor

Category - Photo and Video

Trim, merge and share video clips. Use a "tap" function for percise trimming. Drag and drop video clips - up to 10 minutes

Rating - 3.5 out of 5 stars

Cost - Free


Category - Photo and Video

Filter multiple videos and photos, talk and tap to line up your narration, record or import a story, free cinematic soundtracks

Rating - 3.5 out of 5 stars

Cost - Free

Pinnacle Studio

Category - Photo and Video

Arrange your video, audio and photos in the storyboard, use the precision trimmer for edits and trims, use templates to create multi-layer 3D animations, transitions and titles, pan and zoom, create picture in picture

Rating - 4 out of 5 stars

Cost - $9.99

Movie Slate (clapperboard and Shot Log)

Category - Photo and Video

All-in-one digital slate, clapper, shot log and shot notepad. Customize behaviors and appearance (sounds and themes) to suit your workflow and taste

Rating - 4 out of 5 stars

Cost - $24.99


Category - Productivity

Professional settings for fonts, font sizes, background colors, scroll speeds, mirroring, looping, countdown. Combination of iPad/iPhone/iTouch allows remote control of scrolling via bluetooth.

Rating - 3.5 out of 5 stars

Cost - $9.99

celtx script

Category - Productivity

Syncs with celtx on the desktop and browser. Add comments to make script notes or discuss scripts. Rapid scrolling through long scripts. Write in portrait or lanscape mode.

Rating - 4 out of 5 stars

Cost - $4.99

Scripts Pro

Category - Productivity

Intelligent element selection toolbar and tab key, import and export FDX, CELTX and TXT files, icloud support, no lags when working with large scripts, rich text formatting and scene navigator

Rating - 3.5 out of 5 stars

Cost - $7.99

8mm HD

Category - Photo & Video

By mixing and matching films and lenses create 56 timeless retro looks. With a single swipe add dust and scratches, retro colors, flickering, light leaks and filter jitters. Record in 720p

Rating - 4.5 out of 5 stars

Cost - $1.99


Category - Photo & Video

Collaborative video app giving instant multi-angle video of any event. Mix film with other footage and this app synchronizes and edits the clips to create obne movie with all angles cut together.

Rating - 4 out of 5 stars

Cost - Free