Flash Glossary




Actions In the Window Menu permits the opening of the Action panel.
Add Shape Hint In the Modify Menu (Transform) permits the addition of tween hints for the change between the transformation appearance between the keyframes while tweening shales.
AIFF Audio Interchange File Format created by Apple Computer Inc., for Macintosh computers.
Align In the Text Menu permits text alignment to be left, right, center or justified.
Align Panel Permits the adjustment and distribution of objects relative to one another or to the stage.
Anchor Points Movable points that permit the changing of the shape of an object. On a curve they are referred to as curve points and appear as "o" figures and on straight lines they are referred to as corner points and appear as empty boxes.
Antialais In the View Menu permits the smoothing of bitmapped corners and edges.
Antialais Text In the View Menu permits the smoothing of jagged text.
Arrange In the Modify Menu permits the change in the symbol's depth relative to other objects on the stage.
Arrow Tool Allows the selection of objects in the work area and offers three alternatives: clicking on an object selects the entire object, using shift+click allows the selection of more than one object and dragging the arrow allows the selection of more than one object or a portion of an object. It permits the reshaping of objects drawn with the draw tools - oval, rectangle, pencil, pen or brush.
Auto Kerning Determines the amount of space between different characters




















Bezier Pen Similar to the pen tool which permits the drawing of a straight line by clicking on a point, moving the pen, and clicking on another point; permits the drawing of a polygon the starting and finishing at the same point, or the creation of an open figure by double clicking at the last point. Curves are created by pulling the tangent handles that make line segments.
Blank Keyframe In the Insert Menu permits the placement of a blank keyframe in the selected frame
Bring Foreward In the Modify Menu (Arrange) permits the reduction in depth by one.
Bring to Front In the Modify Menu (Arrange) permits the placement of selected object on highest depth.
Brush Tool Has nine different shapes, eight sizes and five drawings options with the brush shape and width determined using the Option section of the toolbox.












Cascade In the Window Menu permits the organization of the desktop so that all the different windows are at least partially visible for selection and use.
Center Frame This button (bottom row of the timeline under the first several frames) places the playhead in the middle position of the timeline.
Character In the Text Menu permits th eopening of the Character Panel
Character Panel Permits the selection of font, size, style, kerning and color for selected text.
Clear In the Edit Menu permits the deletion of slected items but does not place them in the buffer.
Clear Keyframe In the Insert Menu permits the removal of a keyframe but leaves the frame.
Close In the File Menu permits the closure of the currently selected movie
Close All Panels In the Window Menu permits the closure of all currently open panels.
Common Libraries Objects - buttons, graphics, learning interactions, movie clips, smart clips and sounds that are premade and can be used in a movie.
Common Libraries In the Window Menu permits the opening of a specified library.
Compound Objects A collection of objects that must be coordinated.
Controller In the Window Menu (Toolbar - Windows only) permits the opening of the movie controller.
Controller In the Window Menu (Macintosh) permits the opening of the Controller to test movies.
Convert Lines to Fills In the Modify Menu (Shapes) permits a selected line to be converted to a fill.
Convert to Key Frames In the Modify Menu (Frames) permits the transformation of selected keys to keyframes.
Convert to Blank Key Frames In the Modify Menu (Frames) permits the changing of any blank frame to a keyframe
Convert to Symbol In the Insert Menu permits the conversion of selected drawings or text to a symbol.
Copy In the Edit Menu permits the placement of selected graphics, movies, or text into the copy buffer.
Copy Frames In the Edit Menu permits the placement of selected frame information into the copy buffer.
Create Motion Tween In the Insert Menu permits the creation of a motion tween from the selected keyframe to the next keyframe.
Cut In the Edit Menu permits the deletion of selected items from the movie and their placement into the copy buffer
Cut Frames In the Edit Menu permits the removal of selected frames and all objects on those selected frames


































Debugger Helps find mistakes or solve problems by displaying and allowing the change in object and script values.
Debugger In the Window Menu permits the opening of the Debugger when the movie is being tested.
Debug Movie In the Control Menu permits the showing of the Output window and the Debugger panel when the movie is running.
Deselect All In the Edit Menu permits the deselection of all selected items.
Duplicate In the Edit Menu permits the placement of a copy of the selected items on the stage but does not place them into the copy buffer.










Edit All In the Edit Menu permits the return to th estage after editing a group and restores objects to a group
Edit Center In the Modify Menu permits you to move the center point of a symbol.
Edit Grid In the View Menu (Grid) permits the changing or setting of the grid parameters.
Edit Multiple Frames With the onion skin turned on (bottom row of the timeline under the first several frames) this button allows the editing of any of the frames in the onion skin but if the frame selected is in a tween it will edit all of the elements in the sequence.
Edit Guides In the View Menu (Guides) permits the changing or setting of the guide parameters.
Edit Selected In the Edit Menu permits the editing of a group or of an object in a group.
Edit Symbols In the Edit Menu permits the placement of selected symbols into the editing-symbol mode.
Effect Panel Permits the changing of brightness,transparency, tint or color mixes.
Enable Simple Buttons In the Control Menu permits the enabling of simple button scripts and effects when played in the work area.
Enable Simple Frame Actions In the Control Menu permits the enabling of simple script in the frames when played in the work area.
Erase Fills Erases only the fills and leaves the stroke lines alone.
Erase Inside Erases inside a fill area but only part of it and stays within the boundary of the fill.
Erase Lines Erases only the stroke lines and ignores the fills
Erase Normal Removes everything you drag the Eraser icon over within the size of the eraser.
Erase Selected Fills Only selected fills are erased, nonselected fills and strokes are ignored.
Eraser Tool Used to remove selected areas
Exit In the File Menu (Windows) permits exiting Flash and the closing of all open movies.
Expand Fill In the Modify Menu (Shape) permits the specifying of a value for fill.
Export Movie In the File Menu permits the saving of the currently selected FLA file as SWF (Shockwave Flash( file).
Export Image In the File Menu permits the saving of the currently selected image as a graphic file.

Used to duplicate a color by first clicking the eyedropper tool on a stroke line or fill area and having the eyedropper tool change to either an Ink Bottle or Paint Bucket icon and when either icon is moved to a different line or fill area and the mouse is clicked the selection changes to the duplicated color.
































Fade In Sound begins softly and increases as time passes.
Fade Left to Right Sound begins loudly in left speaker, then increases in right speaker and fades in left speaker with the effect of sound passing from left to right.
Fade Out Sound begins loudly and diminishes as time passes.
Fade Right to Left Sound begins loudly in right speaker, then increases in left speaker and fades in right speaker with the effect of sound passing from right to left.
Fast In the View Menu permits the setting of the view to normal without antialais.
Fill Panel Permits the adjustment of color and pattern fills for objects
Flip Horizontal In the Modify Menu (Transform) permits the selected object to be reversed on the horizontal axis.
Flip Vertical In the Modify Menu (Transform) permits the selected object to be reversed on the vertical axis.
Font In the Text Menu permits the selection of any font available on the current system.
Frame In the Insert Menu permits the addition of a new frame at a selected frame on the timeline.
Frame In the Modify Menu permits the opening of the Frame panel.
Frames In the Modify Menu permits the modification of selected frames
Frame Panel Is used for the addition of labels and comments to frames and establishing tweens.




















Generator Objects In the Window Menu permits the opening of the 16 generator objects if the Generator is installed.
Goto In the View Menu permits the user to go to a specified scene (first, previous, next, last or scene #) to work on.
Grid A series of evenly spaced vertical and horizontal lines that can be placed on a work surface to help in the placement and alignment of objects.
Guide Layer Creates a specific invisible path that an object to be animated will follow.









Hide Edges In the View Menu permits the showing and hiding of the edge points in drawings.
Hide Panels In the View Menu permits the showing and hiding of all panels.






Import In the File Menu permits the importing of objects (sound, graphics) from other files.
Info Panel Contains information about the position of an object on a stage as well as its height and width, color and the position of the cursor.
Ink Bottle Allows the change in a line's stroke, color and line type
Instance In the Modify Menu permits the opening of the Instance panel.
Instance Panel Permits an instance name for a movie clip and the selection of a symbol's behavior.










Keyframe In the Insert Menu permits the addition of a keyframe in the selected frame.
Keyframes The frame where the action begins and the frame where the action ends and the only place where changes can occur in position or appearance






Lasso Used to select irregular shapes, shapes that are interspersed with several other shapes or parts of a shape. The start and finish point must be the same.
Layer In the Insert Menu permits the addition of a layer.
Layer In the Modify Menu permits changes to a layer's name, visibility, lock status, type, outline color, view as outline, and layer height as a percentage.
Layers The separation the primary character (object), the secondary character (object) and the background which permits working with each independent of the other within the same timeline.
Launcher Bar A handy and quick way to toggle key tools such as Info, Mixer, Character, Instance, and Action Panels along with Movie Explorer and the Symbol Library
Left Channel Only the left speaker plays sound.
Library Shows the symbols and sound being currently be used in the movie.
Library In the Window Menu permits the opening of a library for the current movie.
Line Tool Used to draw straight lines with the width and color of the line being controlled in the Stroke panel.
Lock In the Modify Menu (Arrange) prevents selected objects from being moved or modified while still allowing the object to be part of a motion tween.
Lock Guides In the View Menu (Guides) prevents guides from being changed.
Loop Playback In the Control Menu permits the continuous replay of the movie in the work area.




















Magnification In the View Menu permits the setting of speciifc page magnification relative to 100.
Main In the Window Menu (Toolbar - Windows only) permits the opening of the toolbar above the timeline.
Mask Layer Creates the impression of lighting up selected areas of the screen by creating an overlay on the layer that contains the objects you want seen and the other portions that you want hidden or "masked".
Mixer Panel Permits different mixing combinations to color fill and stroke color.
Modify Onion Markers Using this button (bottom row of the timeline under the first several frames) you can increase or decrease the number of onion skin images that appear before or after a given frame where the playhead is positioned.
Morphing The object changing from one form to another.
Motion Guide In the Insert Menu permits the addition of a new guide layer.
Motion Tweening Used only with instances of symbols, groups or text. which then can be moved, eased, scaled, skewed and rotated but does not permit the change of color, transparency or position. Objects can be oriented to a path or synchroinzed if the number of frames inside a symbol on another timeline are not an even multiple of the number of frames on the main timeline.
Movie In the Modify Menu permits changes in movie's frame rate, dimensions, match with printer dimensions, background color, and ruler units of measurement.
Movie Explorer Shows all of the objects and all associated scripts that make up the movie in a hierarchical arrangement.
Movie Explorer In the Window Menu permits the opening of the Movie Explorer.
MP3 The most efficient and effecive sound file compression is based on Moving Picture Expert Group (MPEG) Audio Layer 3.
Mute Sounds In the Control Menu permits the turning of the sound off when the movie is being played.
























Nested Movie clip A movie clip containing another movie clip.
New In the File Menu permits the opening of a new movie.
New Symbol In the Insert Menu permits the creation of a new symbol with no selected objects.
New Window In the Window Menu permits the duplication of the current window on the screen.








Object Whatever is placed in a movie which could include a graphic image or sound.
Onion Skin Using this button (bottom row of the timeline under the first several frames) you can create multiple semiopaque images of th epath an object has moved.
Onion Skin Outlines Using this button (bottom row of the timeline under the first several frames) creates only the outline of the multiple images from the onion skin operation.
Open In the File Menu permits the opening of an existing movie.
Open as Library In the File Menu permits the opening of a movie's components only.
Open as a Shared Library In the File Menu permits the openings of a movie's components that are shared with others working on the same project.
Optimize In the Modify Menu permits the reduction of the number of curves in a line based on a sliding scale.
Options In the Text Menu permits the opening of the Text Options panel.
Outlines In the View Menu permits the setting of the view to outline.
Output In the Window Menu permits the opening of the output window when a movie is being tested.
Output Window Displays errors in movies and can be used in conjunction with the trace action to follow the flow of action scripts.
Oval Tool Makes circles (hold down the shift key) and ovals with designated stroke and fill while the tool is dragged across the stage.




















Page Setup In the File Menu permits the establishment of the printer parameters.
Paint Behind (Brush Tool) - all brush strokes painted over an image are immediately placed behind the image and other objects on the stage
Paint Bucket This tool allows the change in color of and addition of gradients to fills.
Paint Fills (Brush Tool) - objects with stroke and fill only select paint in the fill areas
Paint Inside (Brush Tool) -when you want to paint inside a fill area but only want to paint part of it and stay within the bounds of the fill.
Paint Normal (Brush Tool) - the painting covers any existing image.
Paint Selection (Brush Tool) - only the selected area is painted and even though you may paint outside the selected area the paint is automatically cleared form unselected areas.
Panel A small window with more than a single tab that allows you to place the tools and settings in front of you on your computer
Panels In the Window Menu permits the selection of a panel to be opened.
Panel Sets In the Window Menu permits the selection from default or saved panel outline.
Paragraph In the Text Menu permits the opening of the Paragraph Panel.
Paragraph Panel Permits the formatting of text in regards to alignment, tracking, kerning and baseline shift.
Paste In the Edit Menu permits the placement of items in the copy buffer onto the stage.
Paste Frames In the Edit Menu permits the insertion of keyframes with copied information in selected insertion points.
Paste In Place In the Edit Menu permits the placement of items in the copy buffer into exactly the position they were copied or cut from.
Plaste Special In the Edit Menu (Windows only) permits the selection from pasting object as Flash Movie, Flash Drawing, or Device Independent Bitmap
Pen Tool Creates anchor points as you draw and adds anchor points to a drawing by clicking on the line.
Pencil Tool Is used to create freeform drawings of particular stroke width and color and to create motion paths for animated objects to follow. When used as a drawing tool first select the option you want - namely - straighten, smooth and ink.
Play In the Control Menu permits the running of a movie in the work area.
Play all Scenes In the Control Menu permits the displaying of all the scenes when the movie is tested in the work area.
Print In the File Menu permits the sending of the page to the printer for printing.
Print Margins In the File Menu permits the setting of margins, the frame(s) to print, amd the alignment of the pages to be printed.
Print Preview In the File Menu permits the viewing of what will be sent to the printer and printed out.
Publish In the File Menu permits the exporting of files as SWF files and generates a Web page to embed SWF files
Publish Preview In the File Menu permits the displaying of a movie in a Web page or Flash player and includes other options such as: GIF, JPEG, PNG, Projector, or Quicktime.
Publish Settings In the File Menu permits the displaying of the parameters for publishing a movie.







































Quit In the File Menu (Macintosh) permits exiting Flash and the closing of all open movies.





Recent Movies In the File Menu displays a list of the recently saved movies for quick retrieval when working on a project.
Rectangle Tool Makes squares (hold down the shift key) and rectangles with designated stroke and fill while the tool is dragged across the stage.
Redo In the Edit Menu permits the taking away the last Undo.
Registration Point The crosshair that represents the movie clip's center when in the mode of editing the clip itself.
Remove All Hints In the Modify Menu (Transform) permits the removal of all shape hints and is only active when shape hints have been added.
Remove Frame In the Insert Menu permits the removal of selected frames from the timeline.
Remove Scene In the Insert Menu permits the deletion of an indicated scene.
Remove Transform In the Modify Menu (Transform) permits the removal of any changes made to the transfornm handles while on an object.
Reverse In the Modify Menu (Frames) permits the reversing of the direction of motion of the tweened object.
Revert In the File Menu permits the opening of a previously saved version of the selected movie.
Rewind In the Control Menu permits the mvement of the playhead to the first frame.
Rotate In the Modify Menu (Transform) permits the appearance of a box with eight handles (round) to appear around the selected object so that its rotation can be dragged 360 degrees.
Rotate 90 CW In the Modify Menu (Transform) permits the the rotation of an object 90 degrees from its current rotation angle in a clockwise direction.
Rotate 90 CCW In the Modify Menu (Transform) permits the the rotation of an object 90 degrees from its current rotation angle in a counterclockwise direction.
Rulers In the View Menu permits showing or not showing pixel-delineated rulers along the left side and top of the work area
























Save In the File Menu permits the saving of the currently selected movie
Save As In the File Menu permits the saving of the currently selected movie under a different name.
Save Panel Outline In the Window Menu permits the saving of the current layout of panels as a set to be opened in the current configuration.
Scale In the Modify Menu (Transform) permits the appearance of a box with eight handles (square) around a selected object so that its size can be reformed by dragging the pull tabs.
Scale and Rotate In the Modify Menu (Transform) permits the assigning of a percentage value to the scale and assigns a degree to the rotation.
Scene In the Insert Menu permits the addition of a new scene.
Scene In the Modify Menu permits the opening of the scene selection panel.
Select All In the Edit Menu permits the selection of all unlocked objects on all layers.
Send In the File Menu (Windows only) permits the sending of the current page as an FLA file attachment via email.
Send Backward In the Modify Menu (Arrange) permits the increase in depth by one
Send to Back In the Modify Menu (Arrange) permits the placement of the object at the lowest depth.
Shape In the Modify Menu permits the use of fill to adjust images
Shape Tweening Used only with drawings and allows for changes in color, shape, position, transparency (alpha), rotation and either the distributive or angular mode found in tne Frame Panel/blend menu, The angular mode preserves the corners and straight lines while the distributive mode is best for a total transformation with no need to preserve corners or lines. This tween also allows you to ease in or out of a change.
Show Grid In the View Menu (Grid) permits the grid to become visible on the work area.
Show Guides In the View Menu (Guides) permits the showing of a guide layer.
Show Shape Hints In the View Menu is used when tweening to guide the tween process to change along guide points without distorting certain features of the shaped object.
Size In the Text Menu permits the changing of the ooint size of the font.
Smooth In the Modify Menu permits the smoothing of curves in lines.
Snap to Grid In the View Menu (Grid) permits the alignment of objects to the grid marks.
Snap to Guides In the View Menu (Guides) permits the beginning and end positions of the guide to act as magnets.
Snap to Objects In the View Menu permits the alignment of objects to one another (nearly objects can act as magnets)
Soften Fill Edges In the Modify Menu (Shape) permits the smoothing of edges in fill.
Sound Panel Permits the insertion of sound into a keyframe, the customization and synchronization of the sound and the determination of the number of loops the sound will play.
Stage The main work area
Straighten In the Modify Menu permits the straightening of curved lines.
Static Text Used for a narrative, labels, identifiers or as a block of textual instructions
Status In the Window Menu (Toolbar - Windows only) permits the opening of the status window in the lower right hand corner of the screen.
Step Backward In the Control Menu permits the movement of the playhead one frame back (to the left)
Step Foreward In the Control Menu permits the movement of the playhead one frame forward (to the right)
Stroke Panel Permits the adjustment of the width of drawing lines and shape outlines.
Style In the Text Menu permits the choice of plain, bold, italic, superscript or subscript.
Subselect Tool Similar to the arrow tool working with anchor points and functioning like the Bezier pen allowing precise changes in an object's shape.
Swatches Panel Permits the selection of line and fill colors from a set of color swatches.
Symbol Special objects that are used over and over again but only have to be loaded once into a browser.
Synchronization Symbols In the Modify Menu (Frames) permits th ecoordination of selected frames and symbols.
















































Test Movie In the Control Menu permits the creation of a SWF file and the playiing of the file.
Test Scene In the Control Menu permits the running of the current scene as a SWF file.
Text Options Panel Contains the modification options for the text fields - for static, dynamic or input text.
Text Tool Used with character, paragraph and text options panel and when selected and you click on the stage, a window appears
Timeline Similar to a projector that moves through the various frames and keyframes.
Timeline In the View Menu permits the showing or not showing the timeline
Toolbox Contains the basic tools needed to create new images and text.
Tools In the Window Menu permits the opening of the toolbar panel.
Trace Bitmap In the Modify Menu permits the conversion of a bitmapped image into a vector graphic.
Tracking The space between characters in a word
Tracking In the Text Menu permits the increase, decrease or rests tracking space between characters.
Transform In the Modify Menu permits chnages in the selected object.
Transform Panel Permits the changing of the size of an object and skewing of the object to create different shapes.
Tweening The process of drawing the frames required between keyframes.




















Undo In the Edit Menu permits the taking away of previous changes and this can be done backyards over 100 steps.
Unlock All In the Modify Menu (Arrange) permits the unlocking of all currently selected objects.






WAV Pronounced "wave" is the name of waveform sounf files jointly developed by Microsoft and IBM for Windows.
Work Area In the View Menu permits the showing or not showing of the entire work area in the current window size.






Zoom In In the View Menu permits the increase in page magnification.
Zoom Out In the View Menu permits the decrease in page magnification.