A Winter Scene
The Snowman
- To delete the square in the middle of the view press the "X" key.
- To add a sphere to the view press the "Space Bar" and select "ADD - Mesh - UVSphere".
- Remember that creating an object causes Blender to automatically switch to the Edit mode.
- To zoom in on a figure press the "+" key.
- To resize an object use the "S" key.
- Remember that to switch between the Object and Edit modes use the "Tab" key.
- To enter the Editing Menu click on the square with four high-lited corners found in the 3D view (or using "F9") allows the user to name the object.
- NumPad 7 - switches to the top view
- NumPad 1 - switches to the front view
- NumPad 3 - switches to the side view
- Pressing "A" will deselect all the vertices. Pressing it a second time will select all the vertices.
- To move an object press the "G" key (Grab).
- To duplicate an object - select the object and then press "Shift D"
- To select a number of objects that has been created press the "B" key and draw a square around all of them.
- To link or join objects press Command (CRTL) and the "J" key and click on join selected meshes.
- To select an object hold down the Control Key and click or Right Click on the object and then to select a second object hold down the Shift and Control Keys and click or Right Click on the object.
- To switch from wireframe to solid mode press the "Z" key
- To achieve a smoother looking surface go to the Edit Menu by pressing "F9" and select Set Smoother.
- To create a new material .select New from the Edit Menu.
- To achieve a white color set all RGB values to "1"
- To access Hard Value and Specularity use the Shaders Menu
- A Hard Value greater than "1'" will create a look closer to metal.
- To render an object press "F12".
- If an object is not visible in the Render screen it means that the camera is not pointed towards the object.
- To get into the Camera view press "0".
- To move the camera use the "R" key (rotation) and "G" key
Fir Trees
- It is recommeded that various structures in your picture should be created using layers.
- To select one layer click on that layer.
- To select several layers hold down the Shift key and click on required layers
- To flatten a cone hold down the Control key and click (Right click) to select the top of the cone and use press "G" (Grab) and pull the top towards the base.
- To activate the Shading Menu press "F5"
- Remember to name any new materials that are going to be created.
- To add a texture click on the Texture Menu button and click on Add New.
- If the texture is tobe based on an image click on Load Image
- Textures can not be seen in the solid "Z" mode. They are only visible in renders
- To achieve a smoother looking surface go to the Edit Menu by pressing "F9" and select Set Smoother. You must make sure that the object is still selected
- To duplicate an object - select the object and then press "Shift D"
- To add a cylinder press the "Space Bar" and select Add - Mesh - Cylinder
- Make sure that all objects are on the horizontal so that objects will not appear in the ground and in the air
- To select one layer click on that layer.
- To add a plane -ground press the "Space Bar" and select Add - Mesh - Plane
- To activate the Shading Menu press "F5"
Camera and Lights
- To get into the Camera view press "0".
- To move the camera use rotation "R" and grab "G"
- The quality of an image is dependent upon "lights"
- To select the light/lamp (the small yellow circle with a yellow dot) hold down the Control key and click (Right click) and go to the Shading Menu "F5"
- To have the sun shine on the scene select Sun (one of the green buttons) and use rotation "R" and grab "G" to place it in a position where it will light the scene properly
- Make sure that you render a scene to view the results of placing a lamp/light
- To cast shadows you must use Spots. Press "F5" and add another lamp (Add - Lamp), select Spot and then Only Shadows. Use rotation "R" and grab "G" to place it in a position where it will light the scene properly
- To create a world color - overall color for the rest of the scene - select the camera and press "F5"
- To activate the Scene Menu press "F10"
- OSA is selected to enable anit-aliasing. The higher the settings the better the quality. Selecting 100% renders the scene at 100% Changing the values of SizeX and SizeY sets the final image size.
- To save an image after rendering press "F3" making sure jpeg has been selected.