A Castle

a) Building A Castle

  1. Remember that it is critical that you save your work often.
  2. The "U" key is your version of the 'Undo' button. Pressing this key reverts your model to the state that existed before you entered the 'Edit' mode.
  3. NumPad 7 - switches to the top view
  4. NumPad 1 - switches to the front view
  5. Pressing the "Space Bar" brings up a 'Menu' that will allow you to make a selection like "Mesh - Circle'.
  6. To draw a structure you must be in the "Edit Mode". When you are in the "Edit Mode"you will be able to see individual vertices of the structure you are drawing. If you see a 'Pink' outline you are not in the 'Edit Mode'.
  7. Pressing the "Tab" key switches you between the 'Edit' and 'Object' modes.
  8. To permit better editing of the structures drawn you must leave the 'Edit ' mode. Switch to the 'Object' mode and then switch back to the 'Edit' mode This switching tells Blender to consider the each drawn structure as a separate object.
  9. Pressing the "E" key allows you to extrude (stretch, angle, shape) your structure.
  10. Extruding an object creates a clone of the vertices that have been selected.
  11. To confirm a request either click on the text or press "ENTER or RETURN". To cancel a request either move the mouse away from the requester or press "ESC".
  12. Starting an extrusion automatically starts the 'Grab' mode. If you hold down the "CRTL or COMMAND" key movement is constrained to the grid units.
  13. Pressing "S" allows the vertices to be scaled (stretched or collapsed). Remember to hold down the "CRTL or COMMAND" key to constrain the movement.
  14. Pressing "A" will deselect all the vertices. Pressing it a second time will select all the vertices.
  15. To select a portion of the vertices press the "B" key. Pressing the "B" key once allows us to draw a rectangular box around the vertices we want to use. The size of the rectangle is controlled by first clicking near the required vertices and then holding down the mouse key and dragging over the reuqired vertices. Pressing "B" twice allows us to use a 'Brush' select. The 'Brush' will appear as a circle and it behaves just like the rectangle. The size of the 'Brush' is controlled by pressing Numpad "+" (increase) and Numpad "-" (decrease).
  16. To select an object "Command Click or Right Click" on the object. To grab all the vertices so that you can move the object press "G".
  17. To duplicate an object - select the object and then press "Shift D". In addition to duplicating the object the "Grab' function is activated and this allows you to move the duplicated object to a new position.
  18. "Shift D" makes a full copy of the object. Using this procedure allows each indivual copy to be edited without affecting any others.
  19. "ALT D" creates an instanced copy. An instanced copy has all its geometry linked to the original data and as a result when you edit one copy all other copies will illustrate the same edits.
  20. When rotating an object if you hold down the "CRTL or Command" key the rotation will be constrained to multiples of 5 degrees.
  21. To create a new object out of selected vertices press "P" and confirm the request.
  22. It is a good idea to place objects on separate layers. Placing objects on separate layers allow you to hide other objects. It will make more manageable and flexible and permits changes on a more elementary level..
  23. To place an object on a new layer first select the object then press to bring up the 'Move Layer' requester. Select the second button or press "2'. Press "ENTER or RETURN" when done.
  24. To activate a number of layers "Shift Click" on the button layer or press "Shift 2" to activate the second layer.
  25. To remove vertices enter the 'Edit' mode and then select the vertices using 'Box' "B" select, then press "X" to bring up the 'Erase' requester. Select 'Vertices'.
  26. To place an object (shape) you must use the "3D" cursor. If you wish to place a shape on a line you must line up your "3D" cursor on this line.
  27. To connect two objects you select ajacent vertices one from each object and then press "F".
  28. To switch to a shaped view press "Z".
  29. To fill a shape you must be in the 'Edit' mode and selct all the vertices and then press "Shift F".
  30. To get a solid view leave the 'Edit' mode, activiate the required layer and press "Z".
  31. To get a perspective view use Numpad 5.


b) Texturing a Castle

  1. To activate the 'Materials Button' screen select the red ball in the header of the lowest window or press "F5".
  2. To add a new material press the button with the "-" sign and select 'Add New'.
  3. The materials preview is a flat surface but if you prefer a sphere press the icon of the red ball.
  4. To change the color of a material move the R, G and B sliders. The changes are evident in real time in the color section of the window.
  5. To modify material properties such as shininess, hardness and transparency change the values for each of these buttons.
  6. After creating a new material you will need to give it a new name. This is important if you want to apply this material to some other object. To create a new name click in the material name space and type in a new name. When you are done press "ENTER or RETURN".
  7. To examine the results of your new material press "F12" to render. It is important to remember that you will have to add some lamps or your image will appear black.