Major Project
- to create a movie clip relating symbols, motion and sound
- to study movement, sequencing and time
- to examine basic geometric and spatial concepts
- to create a flow for a movie over a number of scenes that is in sync with both sound effects and a soundtrack
- to plan an animated character with the potential for interesting animation and movements
- to use Flash drawing tools, onion skinning, symbols, and layers to design a character and prepare it for animation
- to apply blurring, selective animation, and squash/stretch effects to add convincing motion to characters and objects
- to tell a compelling story with Flash animation and plan it effectively using storyboards and animatics
- to create an interest in the field of computer animation or game animation
The Students Will:
- create a movie based on the idea that their movie could be viewed by an audience extending from kindergarten to whatever...
- develop a storyboard identifying characters, character interaction and scenes
- understand the concept of order by sequencing a series of events
- describe the position of an object in relation to another object
- use the pen, brush and shape tools to draw effective characters
- use the appropriate mechanics to ensure that each character comes alive
- understand the timing used in music and sound effects and its relationship to movement
- create a movie clip ilklustrating character interaction and interaction with objects
- use a set of criteria for evaluation of their video
- Flash MX2004
- royalty free music at Free Play Music
- sound effects
- storyboards
- eMac
- iTunes
The Project:
- Students will create a four scene movie that will have a run time of a minimum of 2 minutes
- Students will create three different characters . Two of the characters must lend themseleves to animation will the third maybe an inanimate object.
- Students will develop a character and a scene
storyboard The storyboard must be completed prior to any programming in Flash.
- Students may make slight modification to their characters or scenes but only with permission of the instructor.
- Students will use music and sound effects to make their movie more realistic.
- Students will create either an introduction or credit page.