Assignment Two - Character Animation
Remember that the number of inbetweens required is based on creating a smooth flow of action.
1. Copy the key frames provided and complete three inbetweens from one to nine with the head moving in an upward arc and the eyes having a sleepy blink.
2. Copy the key frames provided and complete seven inbetweens from one to seventeen completing one complete step - leading with the right and finishing leading with the right.
3. Copy the figure and have the figure run up a ramp and off the screen. Remember that you want to convey the idea of anticipation.
4. Copy the figure and make him bend over and pick up the ball, throw the ball out of the screen and then sit down on the the box.
5. Copy the figure and animate a sneak as if the character were coming up behind someone.
6. Copy the figure and animate the action of the wind blowing the hat off his head and an attempt to cactch the hat.